Sunday, February 5, 2023

0004 | How to Fight Cancer


No More Cancer!

Giggle Horse Games is still doing game development, and after this blog we will return to our regularly scheduled program.

I had my last surgery mid August to remove the residual cancer that was reported by the pathology of the first surgery.   I was suppose to have a chest CT and an MRI 3 months after.   I was able to get the chest CT to check for metastases, but not able to get the MRI.  I had another growth in my sinus and lots of inflammation.  They said the growth "was probably" just a nasal polyp from all the trauma my nasal passage had experienced, but needless to say it scared the hell out of me.  

Fast forward to February 1st, 2023.  I then went in for my 6 month scans.  This time I had the CT, an MRI of my head and another MRI of my head with contrast dye.  Results all came back clear!    

Okay,  I have had many of my followers ask me about all the things I did to fight off the cancer.   Here is everything I did and all the things I have learned from this experience.  As I just stated, this blog will be long, but I feel I need to get all of this information out there in the event anyone else is dealing with a similar situation.  


Spies Like Us

First off,  I’m not a doctor.   I’m a software engineer that specializes in AI.  In particular, I deal in Deterministic Finite Automata, and Neural Networks.  Now, I might not be a doctor, but I have had my very own doctors tell me that I am far better at extracting information off the web than they are.  On top of that, because I work in a very deep scientific field,  I am accustomed to reading periodicals, white papers, and studies and extracting information from them.   

Having said that;  don’t take my advice to cure yourself,  the things I post below are what I did,  and the information I based it on.   The doctors still did all the heavy lifting, but I made sure to do everything on my end for the best possible outcome.  So don’t stop going to see the doctor because you found a recipe online for Elk Urine and Cactus smoothies that cure cancer.  Even if there is legitimate proof behind it.

State of Mind

Right off the bat,  you need to understand, "1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime." according to about a million sites from American Cancer Society to NHS...There really is no way around it,  you have a 50 / 50 chance of facing cancer in your lifetime.   Some cancers might not be curable, however; I am a firm believer that how you approach it might change your outcome.  I have witnessed first hand someone get cancer that was no where near as bad a prognosis as what I had, but they had it in their mind from the start that it was going to kill them.  Unfortunately, they were right.   

For those of you that went to HS with me, you know I'm not that type.  If you went to HS with me, you will remember a particular incident.  I was 90lbs with all the clothes I owned on.  I had no fighting ability at all.  Anyhow, there was a kid that used to pick on me constantly and the teachers didn't do shit about it.  One day, I had enough.  I understood he might be 140lbs, but my biology book weighed 10lbs and I clocked that son of a bitch with it knocking him out.   I got suspended, but that kid never so much as talked to me the rest of HS.  Years later I sent him a friend request on Facebook and are still waiting his response.    That is exactly how you have to go about dealing with cancer.   At first I was scared, then sad, then I got pissed and made a plan. 

How Cancer Kills

After getting diagnosed with cancer and telling people.  I noticed that the majority of people don’t really have a clue about what cancer is, how you get it, or even how it kills you.   So here is a brief overview; if you already know then just skip this part.  

So your body is made out of many different cells that all have a different purpose.  Everything from brain cells, to cells for your lungs, muscle cells, skin cells….so on.   However,  all of them originally came from a generic type of cell called a stem cell before they grew up and decided what they wanted to be.   Therefore, every cell in your body had a strand of DNA in it that has all the instructions on how everything in your body is supposed to be made.   I won’t get into the DNA stuff that would take 50 blogs, and I don’t have time for that.  

The main take away from this is that all of those cells are specialized for their purpose, and do their jobs accordingly even though they all have the same DNA.   The important thing to understand is that every one of those cells with their DNA have a part of that DNA that is coded to be that particular cells mortality clock.   This means from the time that cell is created, it is given a finite amount of time to live and then it dies.  So that way there is always a population control on cells.  A cell is created, it divides into another cell, and the old cell dies and the new cell continues on to divide.  

Where things go wrong is if the DNA code for that mortality clock is broken, either it got hit by some radiation that took that part of the DNA out of the picture, or you got exposed to a bunch of chemicals that jacked up the clock….point being now you have a cell that doesn’t have a finite time line.  Now you have a cell that is literally immortal; it won’t die!   So when that cell divides and makes another, it doesn’t die and the new cell was given a perfect copy of the fucked up DNA from the parent, so it is born immortal.   Now you have an entire clump of cells that won’t die.  They just keep dividing….that is what makes a tumor.   So in a nutshell, cancer is just cells of your body that won’t die, and keep dividing into more cells that won’t die.  

Those cancer cells, just like other cells, need resources to stay alive.  Yes they are immortal in the sense that they will not die on their own, but they can be destroyed.  As such,  the cancer cells forming a tumor, basically start creating their own city of nothing but cancer cells.  As the tumor gets bigger, it needs more and more resources to feed the ever growing population of cancer cells.   So just like any major city, it needs to bring resources (food supply) in from elsewhere to feed all the cells.  To do this, the cancer cells in a tumor will give off a chemical signal that causes “angiogenesis”.  What this means is that the cancer cells need more food (blood supply) so they put off a signal that causes blood vessels to form feeding the tumor.   This is just like a small town; at first it has a single dirt road coming into it for 50 people,  Then when it grows, it needs more and bigger roads.   Think about a big city, say Chicago, if you were to cut off all of the planes, trains, and automobiles coming in and out of that city…it wouldn’t be long before it would run out of internal resources, and the people in the city would start to starve and die. 

Unfortunately when a tumor gets big enough, some of the cancer cells get tired of living in that city and they break off and leave to go start their own cities somewhere else.   As a result, the cancer cells end up starving the rest of your body of resources.  That is why most of the time you see people dying of cancer, they look very thin and underfed.  That is because they are.  Also cancer cells take a magnitude more of food to sustain than normal cells, so for every cancer cell that is getting fed, 10+ normal cells are going without food.  

So in a nutshell, cancer kills you through over population of a single type of cell.  The more it metastasizes (spreads out to other parts to make more tumor cities), the more resources it pulls from the rest of your body, thus starving you from the inside out.  

To scale cancer up to something more tangible you can relate to, this is what it looks like on a large scale.  A group of people that keep breeding, yet don’t actually contribute any benefit to the rest of the system.   They just keep breeding and eating and breeding without making any meaningful contribution to the system they live in.   Yes this is harsh example, but so is cancer, and it works exactly the same way.

Do They Have a Cure for Cancer

Short answer,  NO.   The reason is that other than the broken DNA, we can’t tell a cancer cell from a healthy one.   We can only see the cancer when it is big enough as a tumor or starts to push on other healthy parts of the body causing discomfort.   Just like if you look at 10 kids, you can’t immediately tell which one is the dumb one until it tries to eat a Tide Pod.  

“Well they have a cure for cancer, but they make too much money off it; so they won’t give it to us.”   I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this.  It always comes from the mouth of someone whose medical knowledge never surpassed playing with their Fisher Price Doctor kit and some Lincoln log experiments they performed on the neighbor kid.  These are the same people that believe in the “Deep State”, “Big Foot”, “Q-Anon” and that the government can control the weather.  Yet these same people can’t pass a 5th grade math test.   So if you are one of those people,  and I doubt you are because you made it this far into this article,  I will explain why saying money is the reason they won’t release the cure is stupid.  

Steve Jobs

Let’s say they do have a cure for cancer, and the people that have it are greedy.  Then you have people like Steve Jobs that gets cancer.   Well fuck trying to get a few thousand dollars out of a few hundred thousand people and dealing with all the billing, collection, insurance, and all that bull shit.   All you have to do is go to Steve Jobs, and say, “Hey you have cancer, I am greedy, and if you give me 50 billion dollars I will cure you.”  It’s the equivalent of going to rob Ft. Knox instead of breaking into thousands of houses in the suburbs.   Hell, Warren Buffet currently has cancer, and I bet he would gladly give up several billion if you actually could cure him.   So out of all the super rich people that get cancer,  why hasn’t any of them just paid for the cure?   See, that is why it is stupid.  

Accurate Sources of Information

So if you are faced with a situation such as cancer,  remember,  knowledge is power.   Unfortunately if you go onto the internet and search for “Cure for Cancer”  you will be flooded with pages from the kid that didn’t die from eating that Tide Pod.   So it is really difficult to find “Good” information and not some guy trying to sell you ground up shark cartilage for 100 dollars a jar.   

To get accurate and peer reviewed information about a topic,  I use Google Scholar, or Microsoft Academia as a search engine.   MS is a little more difficult to use since they have changed it.  These search engines will only return peer reviewed articles from professionals in the field.   This is where I go to look up anything about cancer.  DON’T USE REGULAR BING OR GOOGLE!   If you want to research Q-Anon, Big Foot, or Tide Pod challenges, then use the regular ones.  

Hate your Oncologist?  Get another one!

One thing I want to point out right away; if you don’t like your doctor, get another one.  Particularly if they have a listening disorder and they won’t let you participate in on the conversation about your condition, your treatment, so on.   Just because they are a doctor, doesn't mean they know what they are doing.  My brother Tony has this saying, "Do you know what you call a doctor that got all 'D's in college?"   Answer : "A Doctor".  One thing that has always amazed me is that when you create a resume you usually put your GPA on it if you are proud of it.   I've yet to see a doctor ever list their GPA on their profile page on the hospital site they work at.  

Dr. Giggles

The first oncologist I had was an asshole.  Even though I just was scanned and cleared, instead of congratulating me or anything like that, the first thing he did was talk about the odds of me dying in the next 5 years, despite the cancer not being present anymore on the scan.   Then he wanted to talk about radiation treatment, when it clearly stated in my pathology that the cancer I had was “Radiation induced” from the last time I had cancer as a kid.   When I would pose a question to him,  he would just continue with his line of thought as if I never spoke or asked a question.   

I then found a super awesome oncologist in Denver that not only listens, but is engaged, and is interested in all the stuff I did to help kill it prior to my second surgery.   She has been the best.  She asked me to send her all the information I acquired from my searches and how I used it.   

So again, if you don’t like the asshole you have, get someone that isn’t an asshole.  It’s just like dating!

1 - Starve it from Sugar

If you read up on something called the Warburg effect,  it explains in depth the importance of sugar (aka glucose).  You can go here for an in depth explanation of it.  Here is a direct quote however, 

"In the 1920s, Otto Warburg and colleagues made the observation that tumors were taking up enormous amounts of glucose compared to what was seen in the surrounding tissue."

Understanding this, and that cancer cells don't really contribute much to the rest of the body,  the first thing I did was radically change my diet and remove as much sugar as possible.  For the first week, it was hard.  I didn't have sugar even in coffee or tea.  I cut it completely out as much as possible.  I also stayed away from carbohydrates which also convert to glucose.  I didn't even eat so much as a single slice of toast.

2 - Exercise

The next thing on the list was exercise.  Now I already exercise, but I stepped it up.  I don't actually feel that you are getting anywhere with exercise until you break a sweat.  So every day after breakfast I would get on the treadmill and I would run until I was dripping.  This did two things.  1) Any glucose in my body was being used up by all the good cells while I was exercising, thus starving the cancer cells, and 2) Get my lymphatic system really moving thus boosting my immune system and any response I could mount against the cancer.  

3 - Eat Super Healthy

Since I cut out sugar, I also had to find something to eat with energy that was good for me.  Things from nature usually have all of this.  So in the morning every day for breakfast I would eat a bowl of nothing but organic strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, walnuts and cashews.  All have lots of good stuff for fighting cancer and natural sugars which I would then burn off exercising. 

4 - Cook the Hell out of it!

Hyperthermia is where you raise the temperature of something.  It wasn't until I did some research, but cancer generally has a hard time living in high temps.  Your body uses this same defense when you get a fever to fight off a virus.  There are so many articles about this it is crazy, so here is a link to the scholarly search on the subject.  Hyperthermia Treatments  

Now not everyone with cancer will be so lucky with the location of mine.   My cancer was in my nasal passage.  The temperature that cancer doesn't do so well at it 106F and above. (You need to read up on it to be sure)  I thought that was a lot, but found that I was fine at 106-110F using a Neti Pot I I would use it several times a day after my first surgery.  

5 - Eat Spicy Hot Food (Capsaicin)

Okay, now this was a hard one to do, but when you are faced with the prospect of death, you can put your big boy pants on and do it.  Capsaicin is the chemical in hot peppers that makes them hot.  Though there is tons of information about it killing cancer in a lot of ways, in all my research I couldn't find any dosing information, so in true Randy style I tried to go for the top.   It took me about 2 weeks every day eating salsa (3 Table Spoons a day)  to get from normal Picante "Hot" Salsa and worked my way up to "Ghost Pepper" Salsa and finally to "Carolina Reaper" Salsa.  Not going to lie, it was hard, but now I can eat that shit like it is apple sauce!   

To give you some perspective on heat of the Salsa, so a regular bell pepper has none, a Jalapeno on the highest side has 8000 units, a ghost pepper has 1.2 Million units and a Carolina Reaper has 2.2 Million units.  That makes a Carolina reaper 280 times hotter than the hottest Jalapeno.  

Here are the articles I took my information from before deciding this was worth trying.  No. 4 is about Prostate Cancer, but still backed the findings in the other 3.

4. Capsaicin, a Component of Red Peppers, Inhibits the Growth of Androgen-Independent, p53 Mutant Prostate Cancer Cells

Results : Now if you you get sick easily, don't read this.   This was after my first operation to remove the cancer, and the pathology came back stating that it was still extensively present in the margins of what they took out.   Meaning it was still there.  It was my 3rd day into the Ghost Pepper Salsa that I went to bed, and I woke up completely drenched from a fever or something.  More so that I can ever remember in my life.  I was dripping wet.   That morning I went into the bathroom because I felt what I thought was snot in my nose.  I blew my nose and it instantly plugged.   I could feel the end of something.   I got ahold of it, and it was super hard to get out and was very large...about the size of my thumb.  At first I thought it was a scab or something from the operation.  After getting it out and looking at it closely.  It was a huge, dead, clump of meat.   Now that you know that,  you will need to listen to the phone call from the doctor after my second surgery and then you can make up your own mind.

6 - Melatonin Kills Cancer

Another thing I came across that was super powerful was Melatonin, the chemical that your body makes to make you go to sleep.  It is also responsible for the whole maintenance / repair mode your body goes into when you sleep.  The thing that really got me going on this was the "aerobic glycolysis" and how it causes cancer cells to die.   In particular the one about how it induced the Walburg Effect (mentioned earlier) and how it can kill leiomyosarcoma, which was the type of cancer I had.  I couldn't find an exact dose to use, so I had to extrapolate.  From the studies on mice, I came to the formula that for my weight, I needed to do 40-60mg a day for 12 days to cause a major oncological effect; killing the cancer.   So I did just that.  I knew I had another surgery coming up to cut the rest of the cancer out, but I wanted to kill it before then.   I will say, it is a challenge to get to eat your last couple gummies without going to sleep.   It did make me feel super good though,  like my body had needed to go into the shop for a major overhaul.   There are hundreds of articles you can read up on with more articles in the citations of those....So here are the top three in that rabbit hole.

1. Melatonin suppression of aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect), survival signalling and metastasis in human leiomyosarcoma

2. The Warburg Effect: How Does it Benefit Cancer Cells?

3. Melatonin for the prevention and treatment of cancer

7 - Meditation

Ace Ventura Meditating

State of mind is really important when you are dealing with something like this.  To help keep my fear from getting to me and concentrating on what I could control, I meditated every day.  I would breath in for the count of 10, hold for a count of 30, and exhale for a count of 20.  At the same time, I would visualize my entire body being made out of tiny luminescent cubes that I would expand apart and find the dark / bad cubes within me (in my sinuses)  Then I would explode them in my vision, and replace them with brand new brightly lit ones, and then visualize all the little cubes coming back together to make a new repaired Randy.   This is just something I made up for myself,  everyone can do whatever they need.  It really did help me think through things and feel that I had some form of control of healing myself.   

Results, Did I Kill it?  You tell me?

Fuck you cancer!  Die!

Well, here are some snippets from the pathology from the first surgery :

Then this shows that I had cancer even after the first surgery :

Then I did all the stuff mentioned above.  They still took out my maxillary sinus wall to be safe, but here is the results of that surgery.   Which was a happy surprise...somehow I killed that shit!  Notice that the residual cancer was gone as well.

So in conclusion, either all that stuff I did worked, it induced an immune response, or a placebo effect worked.  In any case, one of the most difficult to kill cancers on the planet got killed, and I didn't have any radiation or chemotherapy!   

Here is the voice mail from the Doctor after the surgery.  You can hear her happy surprise that even the residual cancer was gone.   Fuck you cancer!  Have some more Ghost Peppers!  :D

Doctor's Voicemail

If you are facing cancer, or have questions you'd like me to answer...remember, I'm not a doctor, but I'll be happy to answer anything I can.  

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Tron Legacy Cycle Game

Ok, well if you made it this far, congratulations!  You should get a prize or something like a magic lobster that sings songs when you pet it, eats rainbows, shits Jell-O shots, and farts pop-rock candy!  

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program of game development.  Please go wish list our new development "Absolute Zero"

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